Sunday, November 14, 2004

MetroNaps: Do more with your day

Welcome to the future of workforce productivity; the MetroNaps Pod, a room within a room. They had an ad in the newspaper the other day. Another one of those things that made me take a step back and wonder is this for real? And it is...

This was the caption in The StarPhoenix Saturday, November 13:

Paying money to take a nap
A company called MetroNaps is setting up its daytime slumber stations in the Vancouver airport next month. For $15 weary travelers will be able to snooze in the slumber station for 20 minutes.


Blogger Janet Gritter said...

How silly. Paying to nap? This is what happens to a Western society that has drifted away from observing a Biblical seventh-day rest. We humans need a day for family, worship and just good, old rest! Early pioneers credited this rest to their success in reaching destinations beyond their imaginations. I love my Sundays!

7:58 AM  

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